Taste the difference with our hearty & delicious ground beef! Limited supply of our Heart Blend Ground. Our Liver Blend is sold out!
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Blue Bear Farm & Cattle Co., LLC

1 beef tongue | Approx 2.5 lb @ $9.95/lb = $24.88 + $0.00 Assembly
1 beef tongue | Approx 3 lb @ $9.95/lb = $29.85 + $0.00 Assembly

From Livestrong.com, cow tongue offers some health advantages by increasing your iron and zinc consumption. Both iron and zinc maintain your health: zinc boosts your immune system to help your body fight infection; iron prevents anemia, a condition characterized by reduced oxygen transport, which causes fatigue. Iron also helps your cells produce energy, while zinc supports wound healing. A 3 ounce serving of simmered cow tongue contains 3.5 mg zinc, which contributes 44% toward the daily recommended zinc intake for women and 32% for men. Each portion of cooked cow tongue also boasts 2.2 mg of iron -- 28% and 12% of the daily iron intakes set for men and women, respectively. (You will be charged based upon actual weight after your order has been assembled.)

We are proud to label all our beef as Animal Welfare Approved & Grassfed Certified by AGreenerWorld.org. No artificial hormones, steroids or antibiotics.

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