Taste the difference with our hearty & delicious ground beef! Limited supply of our Heart Blend Ground. Our Liver Blend is sold out!
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Neck Bones

Blue Bear Farm & Cattle Co., LLC

1 pkg of neck bones | Approx 1 lb @ $8.95/lb = $8.95 + $0.00 Assembly
1 pkg of neck bones | Approx 1.25 lbs @ $8.95/lbs = $11.19 + $0.00 Assembly
1 pkg of neck bones | Approx 1.5 lb @ $8.95/lb = $13.43 + $0.00 Assembly

Neck bones have a lot of collagen, which gives the broth body and rich flavor. The best bone broth uses a mix of different bones: large, nutrient-rich beef bones, as well as some smaller meaty cuts so your broth has more flavor. (You will be charged based upon actual weight at checkout.) We are proud to label ALL our beef products as Animal Welfare Approved & Grassfed Certified by AGreenerWorld.org. No artificial hormones, steroids, or antibiotics.

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