Look for new inventory in mid-January! Shipping, deliveries, and pick up options will resume after the holidays. Merry Christmas!
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Shipping Schedule

Delivery Address:
Your Home Address
NA, GA, 12345
Delivery Partners:

NOTE:  Please contact us at bluebearfarmga@gmail.com if you would like to receive your order earlier than the next available shipping date on our schedule.  We generally suspend shipping during the Summer.  

Our frozen beef is shipped using an insulated liner and frozen gel packs.  There may be some thawing of your beef in the shipping process, but it will be cold and it is okay to refreeze.   

We ship on Tuesdays via Fed Ex Home Delivery.  Typically, you will receive your package on Wednesday.  For some locations, your package may not arrive until Thursday.  Your email will be provided to FedEx and you will be able to track your package.  

Our $39 Flat Rate covers up to a 15 lb beef order in the States listed below.  If your order exceeds 15 pounds, or if you request shipment to a State not listed, you are welcome to place your order and make a note in the comments. We will determine the best shipping rate and email you an estimate of the cost.  We will not finalize your order until we have your approval of the shipping cost.  




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